Dec 24, 2008

Hide Your Phone number While Calling

Hide Your Phone number While Calling

Most of you want to call someone while hiding your own phone no identity

so i am publishing the trick for hiding your ph no.

If you want to hide/show your phone number when calling, put one of these codes below in front of the number that you are going to call.
(*#30# / *#31# or *31# / #31# ) Works on most of the networks.


3 Alternative Ways To Access Blocked Sites

3 Alternative Ways To Access Blocked Sites

1) **Using IP Instead of URL**
This depends on the software/application used. Sometimes blocked sites are stored as a list of URLs (eg.,,etc) and typing the IP instead of the URL might sometimes work. In a local computer, doing a ping command in Command Prompt (Mac users use Terminal) will return you the IP address. You can also do it online via

2) **Redirection with Short URL service**
Sometimes the URL you intend to browse might be ban, but converting them to another a shorter URL with short URL services might just help you to bypass the settings.

Here’s 2 Short URL service ,

3) **Use Proxy in Browsers**
There are tons of sites out there that distributes free proxies of almost any country. Here’s an example. Check out the following methods on how/where to insert proxies in your web browsers.

((Proxy Surfing - Firefox))

Under Advanced tab, select Network tab, then click inside Connection Settings. Select Manual proxy configuration, put proxy under HTTP proxy

((Proxy Surfing - Internet Explorer))

Go to Tools -> Internet Options. Select Connections tab. Click into LAN Settings, check Proxy Server. Insert your proxy URL inside Address.

disable copy-past

disable copy-past
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.SetData "text", ""
Loop until (l>1)

save it as something.vbs

and use that to disable copy-past

How To Block Websties Without Software, block webs

How To Block Websties Without Software, block webs

1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
2] Find the file named "HOSTS"
3] Open it in notepad
4] Under " localhost" Add , and that site will no longer be accessable.
5] Done!

-So- localhost

--> is now unaccessable<-- For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before. IE: www.blablabla.com127.0.0.4 www.blablabla.com127.0.0.5

Restart your friend’s phone using sms

Restart your friend’s phone using sms

Posted in hacking, offline hacking with tags hack phone with sms, how to restart phone, how to restart phone using sms, restart phone on August 4, 2008 by hacktocrack

Here is a new trick to restart ur friends mobile via sms

with this trick only 1110,1110i,1112,1100,2100 can be restarted.
just type



or 79 inverted commas

in text msg and send it to ur friend having cells mention above and see wat happens.

great tip of hacking gmail id, it 100 % works.

great tip of hacking gmail id, it 100 % works.

1- login in ur gmail id

2- compose a mail as shown below-
"In Subject:Pass_retrive_service
"In Messege:Recovery_pass
"Pass service
password (authent)
Send it

see video:-

Dec 22, 2008

Mobiola Web Camera v3.0.15 Symbian S60v3 (NEW)

Transforms your mobile phone into a high-quality PC webcam.Connects mobile phone to PC using USB, WiFi (select models) and Bluetooth connectivity.Screen Capture functionality, when device screen can be demonstrated on PC real-time. NEW!!! Cool video effects. Have fun and impress your friends!

Works with Skype, Yahoo, YouTube, MSN, AOL IM, ICQ and many others as standard USB webcam.Compatible with Symbian S60 and UIQ, Windows Mobile 5 and 6, J2ME devices (see Mobiola Web Camera Lite), Blackberry.

3 New Rapidshare Premium Accoutns

New Rapidshare premium account with +55 gb left (19-12-08)

Also this account would be re-credited with 10 gb bandwidth at 00.00(+1 gmt)Daily.

Account No.1

Login: 6769466

password : wuNvyZfdhZ

Traffic left: 9950 MB(+55 GB)

Expiration date: Thu, 25. Dec 2008

Account No. 2

Login: 5682804

password : deD47FgAUh

Traffic left: 104.95 GB

Expiration date: Sat, 10. Jan 2009

Account No. 3 p

Username: 7379285

Password: Ja8hyDBQ

Expiration date: Wed, 31. Dec 2008

TrafficShare left: 172.00 GB

Dec 21, 2008

Undersea cable cuts Internet access in India

Undersea cable cuts Internet access in India

Today I checked on my internet and found that the speed was too slow, I couldn't update my site( , I called the call center and found that the under sea cable has been disrupted. Internet and telephone traffic between Europe and the Middle East and Asia was hampered Friday after three major underwater data lines were cut, according to France Telecom.

The cut occurred on lines between 07:28 and 08:06 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on lines in the Mediterranean sea that connect Sicily to Tunisia and Egypt, the telecommunications company said.

The cuts were to the Sea Me We 4 and Sea Me We 3 lines, which connect countries between Singapore and France as well as the Flag cable route, which stretches from the U.K. to Japan, a France Telecom spokeswoman who asked not to be named said.

France Telecom isn't sure what caused the cut, she said. "We have two assumptions. The first is that it could be an underwater earthquake," she said. "Or it could be simply a ship in the area which has cut the cable."

A maintenance boat is en route to the site of the cut, but it will not get there until Monday, and it will take as many as two weeks for the situation to return to normal, she said.

Many countries were affected by the outage, including India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Malaysia, which all lost a significant percentage on their voice traffic to Europe. For example, 82 percent of India's voice traffic capability to Europe was out of service early Friday, although that situation has now improved, the spokeswoman said.

Here is the under sea cable for internet I wonder why it is so unprotected

Internet traffic also has been hit by the incident, according to Danny McPherson, chief security officer with Arbor Networks. His company's sensors reported that between 3,000 and 5,000 Internet routes in the region were off-line early Friday morning. These routes are the Internet's equivalent of dialing prefixes, meaning that computers that used them would be completely unreachable until service was restored.

"It's significant that it was lost," he said "For them it was in the middle of a business day on Friday."

A large number of these came back on-line around 17:00 UTC, McPherson said. Most likely this happened after ISPs (Internet service providers) that had been knocked off-line had found alternate routes for their traffic.

It's hard to estimate how many Internet users were affected by the cut, but the Internet has a total of close to 300,000 such routes, he said.

This is not the first time this year that these cables have been cut. Earlier this year both the Sea Me We 4 and Flag cables were cut. Flag's cable was reportedly cut by ships anchored off the coast of Alexandria, Egypt.

New Rapidshare premium accounts with +55 gb left

New Rapidshare premium account with +55 gb left (19-12-08)

Also this account would be re-credited with 10 gb bandwidth at 00.00(+1 gmt)Daily.

Login: 6769466

password : wuNvyZfdhZ

Traffic left: 9950 MB(+55 GB)

Expiration date: Thu, 25. Dec 2008